What's On?
Weekly Notice Sheets and Announcements
This Weeks Notice Sheet
NOTICES: 02 February 2025
This Sunday: Candlemas (Presentation of Christ at the Temple)
Christ Church: 8.00am Holy Communion
11.00am Sunday Praise. This service will be live-streamed.
5.00pm Christingle. When the infant Jesus was presented at the Temple, Simeon recognised him as ‘the light to the nations.’ We mark this by lighting our Christingles (‘Christ-lights’) and flooding the church with candle light.
Good Shepherd: 9.30am Holy Communion
Sermon: Caroline Seaton David Hughes Intercessions: Caroline Seaton
Readings: Hebrews 2: 14-18 Luke 2: 22-40
Collect: Lord Jesus Christ, light of the nations and glory of Israel: make your home among us, and present us pure and holy to your heavenly Father, your God, and our God.
Midweek Services this week:
EVENING PRAYER: 5.00pm at Christ Church.
PLACE OF WELCOME: 1.30-3.30pm, CC
The funeral of Naomi Ann Broome will take place on Monday 03 February 2025, 10am at CC, 11am Danescourt.
Forget-me-nots: Next meet on Thursday 06 February at 11am-1pm in JR.
Criss Cross – next takes place on Sunday 09 February – 4-6pm in JR – with a theme of Messy Fishing!
CC Fellowship: next meet on Monday 10 February – 2pm in JR.
Mothers’ Union Wave of Prayer: Tuesday 11 February in the chancel at CC at 3.20pm.
Deanery Synod will be held on 11 February at St Phillips, Penn Fields, gathering from 7.30pm for a 7.45pm start. Our speaker will be Revd. Canon Nick Smeeton, the Strategic Programme Director for the diocese. This is the follow-on from the strategy meetings held at St Regis and elsewhere last summer, and all PCC members are invited to it.
Book Club next meets on Thursday 13 February, 10.30am, at Christ Church, to discuss the final two chapters of Pauls Gooder’s Women of the Nativity.
Readers Chapter Meeting: Thursday 13 February, 7.30pm at CC.
If you would be willing to commit time to regular prayer for our children's work please sign up on the list at the back of church or let Rev Alison know via email. A prayer diary has been prepared to provide details for a group who we know are praying for us as we undertake our work with children. Please let Rev Alison know if there are any omissions from the diary and it will be updated for next term.
Eco-reminders: 2nd February is also National Hedgehog Day. Create a hedgehog-friendly garden by providing shelters, food, and water, and ensuring there are no barriers to their movement. Build a hedgehog house for hibernation; plant hedgehog friendly plants such as berries and wild flowers.
Contact details Website – www.christchurchgoodshepherd.org Parish Office: 01902 238988 christchurchtettenhallwood@gmail.com Team Rector Rev Phil Wootton: 01902 751116 philwootton@sky.com Assistant Minister Rev Lin Vawer: 07759764627 and / or 01902 335235 lindamvawer@gmail.com Curate Rev Alison Bruton: 07717 325364 alisonbruton@hotmail.com
Anyone who no longer wishes to receive this notice sheet, please let the parish office know.
Please send any items for the notices to the parish office before Thursday morning