Support us

 One of the ways to support us is by volunteering to assist us with our housekeeping.

There are many ways in which you can support us. Our churches, like any other buildings, require regular maintenance. Windows need cleaning, pathways swept, rooves maintained, floors cleaned and vacuumed, brasses polished, coffee and teas made, chairs put out and later put away. If you would like to support us with our housekeeping please contact one of our churchwardens, Benjamin Hemming or Caroline Seaton via our Parish Office on 01902 238988.

Our mission here is not just about looking after our buildings!

We also support local charities, The Little Brothers and The Haven are just two examples. Our mission is also about spreading the Good News brought to all humanity by Jesus and enshrined in our faith. 

If you would like to offer some financial support please click the Donate button below