Community Activities

Forget-me-not Friends

Are a group of carers and people living with memory loss. They meet on the first Thursday of every month from 11 am to 1 pm in The Jubilee Room at the back of Christ Church. They exchange information and offer help and support.

Through their own experiences we know how lonely and isolated being a carer can be. You are NOT alone! We are all different and we all have so much to give to one another.

We talk, talk and talk over coffee/tea and cake.

So come and join us

Contact Tom on 01902 831694

For more information

Book Club

Usually meets on the first Thursday of every month. This is a lively group where we discuss faith related books often with candour and humour!


Criss-Cross is a family orientated activity that takes place usually on the second Sunday afternoon. We meet in The  Jubilee Rooms next to Christ Church. Parents, Grandparents, Carers are invited to bring along their children under 10 years old, for an afternoon of fun. This usually includes a story, followed by activities that can range from hand painting to wall building with kneelers! There are also songs and worship before all enjoying a Sunday Afternoon tea together.

Mothers Union


Our vision is a world where everyone prospers. We actively pursue this vision through prayer and action, helping to build confident people and resilient communities. Our movement seeks to bring about justice, challenge prejudice and advocate change.

We aim to:

Encourage parents in their role to develop the faith of their children.

Maintain a worldwide fellowship of Christians united in prayer, worship and service.

Promote conditions in society favourable to stable family life and the protection of children.

Help those whose family life has met with adversity.

Promote and support married life.

Place of Welcome

 Places of Welcome is a growing network of local community groups providing neighbourhoods with places where all people feel safe to connect, belong and contribute.  A place where people actively listen to one another. We recognise that every person coming to a Place of Welcome will bring talents, experiences and skills that they might be willing to share locally. We offer free refreshments (at least a cup of tea and a biscuit) and basic local information 

All are welcome to drop in at Christ Church for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat.

Every Tuesday between 1.30 and 3.30 pm.

Lifted Hearts

'Lifted Hearts' will normally be meeting on the 3rd Thursday of the month, in the Jubilee Rooms at Christ Church, 

7.00 – 8.00 pm. 

We worship together, learn new songs and then introduce them into our Sunday services. There are no auditions! Just come along if you enjoy singing and worshipping God. For further information please contact  Rev Alison Bruton.